This sign post forest is a real place in Watson Lake, Yukon Territories, Canada, at Mile 635 on the Alaska Highway. It points out destinations and distances to most places in the world. I’ve been there. Check this link to see it yourself
We’ve all seen sign post forests—those times and places where the markers in our lives may point opposite directions, when it’s not easy to distinguish what our desired destination should be, or how to reach it.
God has often used bread-crumb directions in my life. Thankfully that’s worked better for me than for Hansel and Gretel who had birds gobble their dropped crumb path to guide them home.
I’m grateful that when I was seven, my babysitter arrived with a portable typewriter she used to complete her college application. “College is somewhere you go to have a good life,” she said. No one in our family had gone. But I immediately decided on college and started saving for it. She also plopped me on her lap and let me play with her typewriter. I had never seen one. Typing became another goal I instantly wished to master—I learned to type fast and still love it.
I had such wonderful school teachers, I wanted to be one but didn’t know which subject to teach until my ninth grade English-Creative Writing teacher so inspired me, I followed her path.
Our high school librarian often mentioned college. “Of course you must go,” she kept saying. She gave me scholarship applications and helped me apply. I received a future teacher’s scholarship paying all tuition. I covered books, food, and housing, but I don’t mind hard work. Besides summer jobs, I babysat for a professor’s family across the street after classes daily. We built a great relationship and I earned income.
We seldom see our journey’s end from the beginning of our travels, but I love discovering each connected step along the way. I also cherish the great traveling companions the Lord provides. They’re good at pointing out future steps leading to good goals and how to reach them.
Each person’s part from my babysitter long ago to my author and church friends today are valued sign posts. Through teaching, living, and writing, I’m privileged to be the same now.
We all encounter sign post forests. Read their words. Talk to other people on the path. And set your course. On those occasions when you hit a dead end, simply back up and start again. Author Beth K. Vogt gave me this great C.S. Lewis quote, “Some journeys take us far from home. Some adventures lead us to our destiny.” That’s true and I’m thankful.
Which sign posts do you trust? Which do you disregard? Why?
May you have clear and wonderful sign posts.
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