Many years ago, a tall, bright, handsome, quite presentable graduating college senior I hardly knew mailed me a letter asking me to marry him. However, it was written in pencil and had three spelling errors. He phoned the next day to learn my answer. I wished him well, but would have considered him more seriously if he had, 1) used ink, and, 2) proofread his letter!
What about you? Have you received communications you would have considered more favorably if they’d been written better?
It’s hard to imagine, but in my Wilderness Wife book that took place in frontier Canada, Dr. John McLoughlin’s wife, Marguerite, did not receive his letters for two full years. Just imagine! That created great hardship.
Most of us get lots of mail these days. Along with nice stationary and well-chosen words and phrases that perfectly deliver their writer’s meaning, I have a few friends who even create art work on their envelopes. I don’t have that capability, but theirs are “keepers!”
Think about the best letter you’ve ever received.
Think about the worst. What made the difference?
Let’s write our best. Change the world. Get the results we want!
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