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Posts by category
- Category: Blog
- The Sign Post Forest
- The Marriage Proposal I Didn’t Accept
- March 8th is World Proofreader’s Day
- A History-Changing Love Story
- First Signs of Spring
- The world’s biggest library–a must-see in Washington D.C.
- Good Writing Lasts
- Prized Possessions
- Living History
- A Thousand Thanks
- Getting there is (hopefully) half the fun!
- The day after Halloween
- Autumn’s here with Winter close behind
- Home Again and Welcome Autumn
- Good days across The Pond
- God is the strength of my heart
- Conundrums and Mooselaneous facts that make us go “WOW!”
- See the World, Change the World
- Summertime and the living’s not easy . . .
- Happy Fourth of July–Let Freedom Ring
- Assemble with Care
- Honoring Dads and Forefathers
- The secret power of Moms and other great leaders
- April is National Poetry Month
- Laughter after Taxes
- True Interior Decorating
- These Cookies tell The Easter Story
- “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”
- The night I got kicked out of a library
- Enjoy Valentine’s Day and Leap Year Every Day!
- How to celebrate Humanity
- Once upon a time . . .
- A New Year is Here, and Things are Looking Up!
- Aiming for Sainthood
- Reading Books with Our Ears
- Thanks to a poetry-writing widow for inspiring American Thanksgiving
- How I inspired a Halloween costume. And a gift for you!
- World News is like Jack and the Beanstalk
- All is Right in My World
- Live with wonder to make life wonder-full!
- Enter the Back to School Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt!
- The Long-Awaited Release of A Traveling Grandma’s Guide to Israel
- Hurrying baby’s arrival!
- Preparing for an Amish Barn Raising
- Why Travel is in My DNA
- My Summer Celebrations & Adventures
- Punctuation can save your life!
- The Story Behind the Book
- How Winning a Contest Changed My Life
- You Don’t Have To Be Big To Be Mighty
- Writing History One Step At A Time
- Thanks and What’s Next
- It’s Here…Strong Currents Book Birthday!
- Homeward Bound After Following in Jesus’ Footsteps
- How a Trip to Israel Turned Into a Book
- 2023 is Our Gift to Open
- Who Doesn’t Love a Comical Christmas Story?
- Post-Thanksgiving and Looking Forward
- A Bouquet of Thanks for Thanksgiving
- How to Win Wars and Lesser Battles
- When the Swallows Come Back to Capistrano . . .
- Communication Games Work
- Writing Memoir—Capture Meaningful Moments Like Framing Prize Photographs
- Every Author Needs a “Write” Hand
- Each space between heartbeats is a world in itself
- Jokes Make Us Better Storytellers
- Word Games are a sign of intelligence
- Farming Lore = Say, “Fence Stretcher” five times fast and get your tongue tangled
- Happy High Summer!
- Be careful what you carry into homes where you’re a guest.
- Dreamworthy Semantics and Euphemisms – Our thoughts determine our words
- Thanks, Ben Franklin, for the Lending Library and so much more!
- Bizarre and Wonderful Libraries
- What happened AFTER the Japanese sub entered the Columbia River in WWII?
- Absorbing Wilderness Lore–Write What You Know
- Praise for Wilderness Wife – What others are saying
- Wilderness Wife–the creation of a Heroine
- Update Plus Interesting Facts from Inspiring Heroine, Marguerite McLoughlin’s Early Life
- Drumroll – Wilderness Wife releases Feb. 22nd but pre-order sooner
- Happy Zwatsch Day!
- “Peace on earth goodwill to men”
- Human or Mechanical Voices? You choose.
- Thanksgiving Day? Or Turkey Day?
- Book Reviews are Authors’ Best Friends!
- Check out a Person, Not a Book!
- Enjoy Perfectly Arranged by Liana George, a fellow Scrivenings Press Author
- How Christmas Tree Wars was born
- How do you dispose of garbage? “Are body parts involved?” How to get into trouble without really trying!
- What’s your most unusual pet and why?
- How do you fight forest fires?
- How did some amazing products ever get discovered?
- How many books is too many?
- A fun new take on editing!
- “You’re a grand old flag, you’re a high-flying flag…”
- Appreciation and a request
- Mark Twain – the man, the myth, the legend
- May the Bard be with you!
- Happy Talk Like Shakespeare Day!
- Migration–Destinations rooted in their hearts
- Spring Photo Shoot
- Celebrate Spring with Cake? Pie? Pudding? Or More?
- Today is Dr. Seuss’s Birthday–Looking back? Or looking forward?
- We Love Books Giveaway – One Winner Takes All
- Finding Creativity
- February Celebrations
- The pen is (still) mightier than the sword.
- Hope is a renewable commodity
- Christmas came early for me this year.
- 17 days to Christmas? Porcupine quill gifts.
- Over the river and through the woods . . .by Lydia Maria Child
- The changing speed of things
- Dreams come true for grandmas, too.
- Vocabulary Building—words rooted in experience
- Unusual Definitions—Is It Possible To Be TOO Smart?
- A merry heart
- Laughter IS the best medicine
- Idioms are a piece of cake!
- New is the Old Repackaged
- When beautiful things attack
- Prolonged isolation—getting to know the places we live, our communities, and ourselves
- How much is enough?
- We have all lost something
- WONDER and Discover!
- Waiting for spring to stay and COVID to leave
- Cooking and Eating Southern
- Happy (usually) Income Tax Day
- Things learned while sheltering in place alone on the small Minnesota farm I’ve owned for eight years
- Happiness is a choice.
- Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
- Learning Southern
- Happy Leap Year and Sadie Hawkins Day
- How will you celebrate Valentine’s Day?
- The wonderful gift of words
- 20/20 Vision
- Have your own fun Christmas Book Flood!
- The sights, sounds, tastes, scents, and feel of Christmas
- The Power of Thank You
- From Israel with love
- Toy Breakthrough? Or Halloween Horror?
- Traveling America’s back roads
- Great story endings (and alternatives)
- Sneaky Advertising
- Associated Influences
- Verbal Profundities
- In writing and in life, non-fail recipes sometimes do.
- A gift of butterflies
- Up, Up, and Away
- What Price Will You Pay for Adventure?
- Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?
- Writing is Painting with Words
- Will the Real Wonder Woman Please Stand Up?
- Humor Wins Battles
- Roget’s Thesaurus – The power of the right word
- How long does it take to influence a life?
- March 8th is National Proofreading Day
- Jingles – Words and/or tunes that stick in the brain
- Where were you the severe winter of 2019?
- The Stories Nature Writes – 2
- The Stories Nature Writes
- Goals for a New Year
- New and Old Christmas Carols
- Principles for Critiquing? Or Bone-crushing Reviews?
- Thanksgiving or Turkey Day?
- More Interesting Word Origins
- Dated Words – Here Today Gone Tomorrow
- October 16 is National Dictionary Day
- Danger Zone or Unwise Questions
- “Lest We Forget”
- Onomatopoeia – sound effect words make storytelling live
- Truisms – Pithy statements of obvious truth
- Books accomplish many important things
- Improve your writing by joke-writing and -telling
- Who created these North American flags?
- Word Fruit Salad
- Travel is its own reward
- Would you live in a library if you could?
- What if familiar stories ended differently?
- Spoonerisms, plus Victor Borge, and too much alphabetized logic for me
- April showers bring May flowers
- May these thoughts spurn you on. What?
- More Punctuation History and Oddities
- To use, or not to use, the Oxford Comma
- Happy Valentine’s Day Tomorrow and Every Day
- Humorous words to make us sit up and take notice
- Consider these larger-than-life word names in our language
- Hear ye, Hear ye, read all about it!
- The Twelve Days of Christmas (or How many people and objects can you crowd into your home?)
- Some fiction characters are so real, they become part of our vocabulary.
- If the pen is mightier than the sword, don’t let your pen get dull.
- The pen is mightier than the sword, so keep your pen sharp!
- Collective Nouns—charming delights for word lovers
- If ‘Home is where the heart is’, mine keeps growing.
- How things get their names, Part 2 (and what does twine have to do with cars?)
- How do things get their names? Part 1
- Antique or Classic? What makes the difference?
- There are fascinating origins behind most nursery rhymes.
- Funny Things Happen on our way to Written English – “Though the written word may stay you, the spoken word can slay you.”
- Southern Exposure
- It’s Almost Valentine’s Day – Finding A Perfect Life Mate, Part 2
- It’s Almost Valentine’s Day – Finding A Perfect Life Mate, Part 1
- Garde lieu—or vocabulary building can be dangerous.
- Merry Christmas leads to Easter
- Please tell me where that name came from again (Part 2)
- Tell me where that name came from (Part I)
- History lives just down the street and around the corner
- How to (almost) guarantee that Queen Elizabeth II will visit with you?
- More “What’s in a name?”
- What’s in a name?
- True Confession Time–if you weren’t you, who would you be?
- Heads up—the scoop on Leap Year
- Garde lieu—or vocabulary building can be dangerous
- What the gift says about the giver
- Timing is everything, or how I once sang a live solo across all of Canada
- Spell marriage proposals correctly if “you care enough to send the very best”
- How to maximize European tours, Part 2
- Sign up for my new class in Maple Grove: Creative Strategies for Nurturing Children
- How to maximize European tours, Part I
- People Watching—Stored Memories
- Thank you, Cora Nolan, for the world of books
- Divine Romance–full disclosure
- The source of inspiration
- Communication Power
- Truth trumps fiction, or in honor of Honest Abe
- Recent Publications: The Best Angel Stories 2014
- Current Class: Memoir Writing
- Writing is painting with words
- Category: Classes
- Category: Featured
- Category: Recent Publications
- A Traveling Grandma's Guide to Israel
- Strong Currents
- Wilderness Wife
- Christmas Tree Wars
- Books Afloat
- Woodsy, the Wonder Bear
- Little Chief and Ogopogo
- Little Big Chief: The Bear Hunt
- Whoosh
- Second-Chance Dogs
- The Best Angel Stories 2
- What Prayer Can Do
- Gifts from Heaven
- Jesus Talked to Me Today
- Thin Places
- The Best Angel Stories - 2015
- Heaven Touching Earth