In the last few years several pleasant Amish families have moved around our central Minnesota farm and become neighbors. I’m especially good friends with our immediate neighbors. They’ve recently moved to another farm further west for business opportunities but will return soon for a visit.
When my son needed an equipment shed built, I suggested he contact them for suggestions. They offered to do it when they’re home, and they’re bid is fabulous. I’m so pleased that my doctor son will take a few days off and his 18-year-old son will also join the building crew of five or six men in August to do this project together. Can you say Amish barn raising? It’s the best of both possible worlds. I may need to buy my son and grandson hats at the Amish store three miles from our place.
Now I just need to figure out some filling, tasty meals for the crew. I might try my hand at new Amish recipes like barn raising beefy-potato casserole.
I did find this meal plan for 175 Amish men from a cookbook a blogger found at a library sale for 10 cents. I won’t be cooking for that many, but it looks like it would do the job:
Menu for an Amish Barn Raising From a Mennonite Community
115 lemon pies
500 fat cakes (donuts)
15 large cakes
3 gallons applesauce
3 gallons rice pudding
3 gallons cornstarch pudding
16 chickens
3 hams
50 pounds roast beef
300 light rolls
16 loaves bread
red beet pickles and pickled eggs
cucumber pickles
6 pounds dried stewed prunes
1 large crock stewed raisins
5 gallon stone jar white potatoes and the same amount sweet potatoes
Whatever my meal options may be when my Amish neighbors visit, I know we’ll have some wonderful fellowship. I’ll let you know how it goes 🙂
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