This year is winding down. It’s time to plan for 2023.
For many, the favorite post-Thanksgiving activity is Black Friday bargain sales. On my mother’s side, I come from a long line of shoppers, but fighting crowds and stampedes to whisk products off of shelves before the next person has no appeal. The shopping that draws me in is buying international air tickets to see students I’ve taught years ago, including many who’ve lived in our home and become extended family. Those trips often provide a few adventures as well.
Browsing the shelves of our Milaca, MN library, I came across a delightful book. No Place for a Lady, by Barbara Hodgson. It has tales and photos of historic trips even determined damsels shouldn’t have survived (and not all did). It gave me a new appreciation for the accomplishments of courageous women travelers. Wearing voluminous dresses hiked up so their boots would not trip on hems, these women accompanied or led expeditions. Some wore men’s clothing in disguise. In 1819, England’s Lady Hester Stanhope, self-proclaimed Queen of the Desert, traveled alone and unveiled to the heart of Syria and triumphed in locations few of us have heard of.
Many traveled with their husbands, but one was exiled by her husband, a European prince, for bad behavior. Mme. De Staёl, fled France during the Revolution for being outspoken and after her return was exiled by Napoleon.
Some accompanied their military officer husbands to the front lines of battles or to remote consular assignments where their guides fled, robbers stole supplies or kidnapped or killed team members. I love the photo of Mrs. Marcel (Jane) Dieulafoy holding a gun on eight bandits who’d come to rob her saying, “I have fourteen balls at your disposal; go find six more friends.” They left.
This book makes me happy to be a woman who loves to travel. However, it’s not recommended reading for my sons who worry when I cross oceans and continents. Plan now for spring, summer, or fall adventures. I’ve found some of the best airfare prices ever on Black Fridays or the days following, all from the convenience of home. I invite you to join me.
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