Does your flowerbed or garden ever get away from you? Where will it stop? Or will it absorb and grow right over you? I’m interested in and love all kinds of … [Read More...]

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Does your flowerbed or garden ever get away from you? Where will it stop? Or will it absorb and grow right over you? I’m interested in and love all kinds of … [Read More...]
Wherever you are and whatever you’re doing on July Fourth, enjoy family, friends, give thanks for our nation, and let these thoughts cheer you. How hot is it? … [Read More...]
I always pictured the iconic Statue of Liberty being shipped to us across the Atlantic Ocean from France in one massive single piece. I just learned that is not the … [Read More...]
Today I’m featuring an American hero who never married or had children, yet imprinted colonial America and blessed and literally fed many frontier families—John … [Read More...]
I’m late with this post. I still teach university but sometimes technology defeats me. I thought this post was scheduled and published—it wasn’t. When I tried to … [Read More...]
Did you know April is National Poetry Month? Celebrations of poets and their work are held each April by the Academy of American Poets and other groups. … [Read More...]