In Minnesota, our harvest is in and flannels and blankets are handy. It was 29 F. here this morning, so frost painted everything white until sunshine turned up the … [Read More...]

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In Minnesota, our harvest is in and flannels and blankets are handy. It was 29 F. here this morning, so frost painted everything white until sunshine turned up the … [Read More...]
I love earning air miles for travel. Who knew the airlines also sometimes have sales requiring fewer miles for trips. This time it included flights … [Read More...]
I love earning air miles (which are not available in most other nations). Who knew there are occasional sales on the amount of air miles needed for trips? This time … [Read More...]
I was born with a complete heart block and a steady heart rate of 46-48 bpm. In 1983 in northwestern Canada, busy helping develop a Christian community and college, … [Read More...]
Merriam Webster defines a conundrum as a difficult and confusing problem, usually with no possible solution or answer. (A dilemma is a choice between two bad … [Read More...]
I love this travel agency motto, “See the world, change the world, and I believe it’s true. Travel, Domestic or International–is my … [Read More...]