October 16 is National Dictionary Day, an unofficial holiday celebrating the birthday of Noah Webster who published An American Dictionary of the English Language in … [Read more...]
Danger Zone or Unwise Questions
Who has not accidentally asked unwise awkward questions you immediately wished you could retract? We vocalize questions in light, rising tones, but if offensive, the … [Read more...]
“Lest We Forget”
“Lest we forget” is a phrase often used in Remembrance Day services in English-speaking countries, but it also applies to other dates. September 11, 2001 is one such … [Read more...]
Onomatopoeia – sound effect words make storytelling live
Profound thanks to the Greeks for creating sound effect words. The term comes from two combined Greek words, onoma meaning “name” and poiein meaning “to make” or … [Read more...]
Truisms – Pithy statements of obvious truth
Tru·ism - a statement that is obviously true but says nothing new or interesting. Synonyms for the term include platitude, cliché, banality. This post exists because … [Read more...]
Books accomplish many important things
Books accomplish many important things . . . They refresh and fill our minds, encourage our hearts, and rest our feet—sometimes literally. At least that’s what … [Read more...]