Subliminal advertising happens when advertisers use images and sounds to influence our responses without us being aware of it. According to, … [Read more...]
Associated Influences
In 1902, Russian behavioral scientist, Ivan Pavlov, announced strong connections between repeated stimulus and conditioned responses. In his case, ringing bells … [Read more...]
Verbal Profundities
I’d heard some of these before, but they’re all great, and I’m happy to borrow. I tried to identify the source but could only trace it to a 1/30/2007 blog post by … [Read more...]
In writing and in life, non-fail recipes sometimes do.
Non-fail fudge? My recipes guaranteed great results. As newlyweds, when we owned only one cooking pot, my Canadian husband requested boiled cod. (I don’t know why.) … [Read more...]
A gift of butterflies
I wanted to grow parsley last spring so bought a plant to set out in my small farm garden. As it flourished, I clipped a few sprigs to bring to our home in … [Read more...]
Up, Up, and Away
Dual foot surgery at the same time? Not a good idea–or is it? At least the recovery time should be twelve weeks total instead of twelve weeks for each foot. If you … [Read more...]