See this smile? It’s nonstop these days. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy sings Somewhere over the rainbow as she follows the yellow brick road. Life successes often … [Read more...]
Vocabulary Building—words rooted in experience
Vocabulary building is an important skill. Changes in circumstances can also teach us new words. It may be a different job or geographical setting, but the more … [Read more...]
Unusual Definitions—Is It Possible To Be TOO Smart?
I apologize for once finding this list online but being unable to locate and credit it now. I knew a few of these little-known definitions—not many. I’m not sure … [Read more...]
A merry heart
Laughter is when our diaphragm rhythmically contracts, producing audible sounds responding to humorous events. Jokes, riddles, one-liners, and puns are verbal treats … [Read more...]
Laughter IS the best medicine
We like to laugh and need to laugh. It takes fewer facial muscles to smile than frown. We love seeing babies laugh, chortle, wheeze and roll until tears squeeze from … [Read more...]
Idioms are a piece of cake!
Well, not literally, but it might be nice if they were. Then, we could change varieties and flavors to match the ideas we want to express. An idiom is a group of … [Read more...]