My last blog discussed garbagemen or more euphemistically sanitation removal specialists or recycling engineers. Here’s my true story of what not to do when being … [Read more...]
Dreamworthy Semantics and Euphemisms – Our thoughts determine our words
Besides writing, I’ve taught university in classrooms and/or online for years and love it. Sometimes my sons or grandchildren have attended my classes. I love what … [Read more...]
Thanks, Ben Franklin, for the Lending Library and so much more!
Thank you, Benjamin Franklin for inventing half-moon glasses, Franklin stoves, lightning rods, lending libraries, and so much more. This puckish man didn’t do … [Read more...]
Bizarre and Wonderful Libraries
I appreciate a dear friend sending this fascinating article, “6 of the World’s Most Unusual Libraries” because with a manuscript deadline of May 29th to finish Books … [Read more...]
What happened AFTER the Japanese sub entered the Columbia River in WWII?
What happened AFTER the I-25 Japanese submarine entered the Columbia River in June 1942? That’s the subject I cover in Strong Currents that will release November 29, … [Read more...]
Absorbing Wilderness Lore–Write What You Know
From 1949-1952, boxes of Nabisco Shredded Wheat cereal containedStraight Arrow wilderness survival cards. Some were still around when I grew up. Straight Arrow was … [Read more...]