I apologize for once finding this list online but being unable to locate and credit it now. I knew a few of these little-known definitions—not many. I’m not sure … [Read more...]
A merry heart
Laughter is when our diaphragm rhythmically contracts, producing audible sounds responding to humorous events. Jokes, riddles, one-liners, and puns are verbal treats … [Read more...]
Laughter IS the best medicine
We like to laugh and need to laugh. It takes fewer facial muscles to smile than frown. We love seeing babies laugh, chortle, wheeze and roll until tears squeeze from … [Read more...]
Idioms are a piece of cake!
Well, not literally, but it might be nice if they were. Then, we could change varieties and flavors to match the ideas we want to express. An idiom is a group of … [Read more...]
New is the Old Repackaged
By choice, I’m writing about something besides COVID or other unsettling news. I’m grateful to be able to write again, so some jarring effects that freeze creative … [Read more...]
When beautiful things attack
At age five, exploring my Great Aunt’s Pearl’s farm on the Oregon coast one summer, I somehow got locked inside her pen of prize peacocks. They were beautiful. I … [Read more...]
Prolonged isolation—getting to know the places we live, our communities, and ourselves
Eight years ago I used my retirement savings to buy a 41-acre farm with a well, 4-bedroom home, three metal outbuildings, apple trees, a tree house, and … [Read more...]
How much is enough?
I did not fly yesterday from friends in Copenhagen to friends in Seville, Spain as planned. Hopefully that can be rescheduled in happier times. COVID remains a … [Read more...]
We have all lost something
gregoryhayes.photography Dealing with COVID was bad enough, but I’ve held today’s prepared blog to write about Minneapolis instead, the city where I joined family … [Read more...]
WONDER and Discover!
It happened to Isaac Newton when an apple fell on his head. (Has an apple ever fallen on yours?) If so, I hope that like Isaac you WONDERED why it fell … [Read more...]