This sign post forest is a real place in Watson Lake, Yukon Territories, Canada, at Mile 635 on the Alaska Highway. It points out destinations and distances to most … [Read more...]
March 8th is World Proofreader’s Day
Punctuation, or the lack of it, totally changes the meaning of things. These examples are funny--even if you’ve heard them before. “A woman: without her man is … [Read more...]
A History-Changing Love Story
Dr. John and Marguerite McLoughlin … [Read more...]
First Signs of Spring
Each year I love seeing winter leave and spring arrive. In northeast Mississippi where I am now, the first welcome dandelion just bloomed. With warmer weather, my … [Read more...]
The world’s biggest library–a must-see in Washington D.C.
Young Ben Franklin wished to read more books than he could afford, so he got the brilliant idea of encouraging others to buy and share books together to make a … [Read more...]
Good Writing Lasts
I’m privileged to remain friends with many students through the years and often with their parents, too. I’ve visited some and been an extended part of their … [Read more...]
Prized Possessions
Many things that matter most to me don’t fit on insurance lists of valuables. On one mission trip to the Philippines, a Filipino school girl I will likely never see … [Read more...]
Living History
This is my photo of the home and heritage garden Dr. John and Marguerite McLoughlin built when they established my home town, Fort Vancouver, Washington in … [Read more...]
A Thousand Thanks
How many languages can you say THANK YOU in? Merci, Gracias, Danke, Grazie, Arigato, Spasibo, Dziękuję, Xièxiè, and thousands more. Most nations have a Thanksgiving … [Read more...]