This sign post forest is a real place in Watson Lake, Yukon Territories, Canada, at Mile 635 on the Alaska Highway. It points out destinations and distances to most … [Read More...]

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This sign post forest is a real place in Watson Lake, Yukon Territories, Canada, at Mile 635 on the Alaska Highway. It points out destinations and distances to most … [Read More...]
Many years ago, a tall, bright, handsome, quite presentable graduating college senior I hardly knew mailed me a letter asking me to marry him. However, it was … [Read More...]
Punctuation, or the lack of it, totally changes the meaning of things. These examples are funny--even if you’ve heard them before. “A woman: without her man is … [Read More...]
Dr. John and Marguerite McLoughlin … [Read More...]
Each year I love seeing winter leave and spring arrive. In northeast Mississippi where I am now, the first welcome dandelion just bloomed. With warmer weather, my … [Read More...]
Young Ben Franklin wished to read more books than he could afford, so he got the brilliant idea of encouraging others to buy and share books together to make a … [Read More...]